Be Happy: 52 Songs In 52 Weeks — Song #23

“Be Happy” is the 23rd song in my songwriting challenge “52 Songs In 52 Weeks.” My goal is to write and record a new song every week for a year.

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All the times that you struggled
All the times that you tried
When nothing worked out
No star would guide

No gift of persuasion
Made money fall from the sky
All those mornings you spent
praying God was on your side

Now be happy
Now be happy

All the tears that you shed
All the grief in your heart
All the sorrow and pain
That tried to rip you apart

Now be happy
Now be happy


All the sleepless nights
Trying to explain, hoping
A flash of wisdom will fall down like rain.

Now be happy
Now be happy

Oh, the stress and the strain
They can’t touch you now
Oh, the fear and the pain
You can face them now

Ad Lib Chorus
So be happy, yeah
Come on, be happy
Come on, be happy
Won’t you be happy

Happy, yeah
Come on, be happy, yeah
Come on, be happy, yeah, oh
Won’t you be happy?