Thank You For Loving Me (I Miss You)

About Eric’s 4-track (four-track) demos: “Thank you for loving me (I miss you)” was recorded in April 1998. This song was recorded on a four-track, analog, cassette tape machine. The original tracks have been imported into Avid Pro Tools, mixed in Pro Tools, and finished up in Audacity. No new recordings were added to the original work.

All these thoughts can be too much
So I shift the gears and drive
Down the road a little while

Watch the Sun give up his fire
And feel the hills benaeath my tires

I try not to remember
How your kiss felt on my mouth
How your loving wore me out

How we had so little time
And how I miss you in the night

Thank you for loving me
So well in my time of need
Thank you for everything

Every September
When the summer slips away

The clouds above me hold your face
It makes me think of better times
Those summer nights when you were mine

Thank you for loving me
So well in my time of need
Thank you for everything

Thank you for loving me
So well in my time of need
Thank you for everything

I miss you.

Texas Musician, Painter, and Artist