Passage from Rose

The passage from Rose said
After all this time
I lose you ‘cause
We’re both out of our minds

Remember that our love
Flickers in strange winds
And remember to think of me now and again
Won’t you please?

Rose came calling
In my dreams
Rose came calling
And swore so many things

The passage from Rose said
Remember our sacred hours
Spent near the river’s edge
In the tender flowers

And memory’s a waterfall
That feeds our tender flowers
And memory’s a waterfall
That feeds our sacred hours

Rose came calling
In my dreams
Rose came calling
And swore so many things

The passage from Rose said
If you ever leave
I’ll join Dido
I won’t wait and grieve
I’ll be some place where I’ll always see you
And always know what you’re doing
Some place where I’ll always see you
And always know what you’re doing

Rose came calling
In my dreams
Rose came calling
And swore so many things

Texas Musician, Painter, and Artist